I can't see my work desk at the moment as it's buried under a mountain of all sorts!! - I am taking a table at a craft fair this Saturday so have to get some things ready for sale very quickly as I am off to the NEC on Friday (involves a 1.5 hour drive to Belfast, an overnight stay there, flights of just over an hour to Birmingham and back after 9 on Friday night - so probably not get home again until midnight at least!!) But I always enjoy the trip - my twice yearly treat!! Anyhow I have made some chicken sewing caddy/pincushion (pattern from
www.artfabricstudio.com - with a few modifications), cards and gift tags, covered notebooks, mini tins of shortbread and I took up
LLJ's advice and made some covers for packs of pocket tissues - mind you, I should have consulted her page before I had the first half dozen made - I just used one thickness of fabric with some cute lacy edged bias binding I found in my stash, when I should have used a double layer of fabric - oh well, you learn as you go and they look OK! Visit the other desks this week by clicking