I didn't get my card for the Whiff of Joy challenge finished yesterday - hopefully I'll finish it off and get back later. In the meantime I thought I could show you my wee craft room. We had an extension built a few years ago and included a mezzanine above the sunroom (we live in a bungalow). Its quite difficult to photograph but this should give you the general idea!

You will notice from the dates the first two photos were taken just after it was completed - unfortunately it's not so tidy now! The desk won't even close at the moment because of all the clutter, but it is brilliant for crafting as all the drawers have moveable dividers and are good for storing all the smaller stuff like peel offs and punches. There are 3 sets of double cupboards for all the larger things, the centre one having a pull out shelf for using my cricut machine, printer, etc.
This cupboard has a paper sorter where I can store all my A4 paper and then the 12 x 12s are in another one. At the moment I am trying to sort things out as it gets a bit untidy when I try to make lots of different cards in a hurry, so I'll maybe post more photos of some of my other storage ideas another day!